Friday, October 30, 2009

Politics vs sports...good luck

To say I was disappointed was an understatement.

I was actually disgusted when the Supreme Council of Malaysian Games (Sukma) decided to put politics above sports by allowing requests to add nine more sports, plus two additional events, into next year's games programs. Read my 'report', here.

To hell with the main objective of Sukma - 'to unearth potential young talents for the future national teams.' How about 'ensuring quality competition' for the athletes? Just throw it down the drain, mister!

Yesterday was a classic example where the powers-that-be decided to kow-tow to 'political influence' and putting sports in the 'far, far away land.'

Did you know, Sir, that from the nine sports that were included in the program, majority of them didn't even have state associations in proper working order? Did you know, Sir, that majority of them didn't even have proper offices, what more venues where they can call their own? Ask Datuk Zolkples Embong, Director General of National Sports Council. He knows!

And you know what you did, Sir? With the latest stand - which I am sure you made without even checking the previous decisions - you had embarrassed the previous man-in-power, for he was the one responsible in trying to check the decline in quality by imposing limits for number of sports in Sukma?

And how about Datuk Zol? But did you know, Sir, that last December, Datuk Zol chaired the meeting when the same committee decided to 'REJECT' the appeal of sports which are now in the program. He was even involved in a 'war of words' of some sort in the newspapers to defend the decision. You can check the past articles in several news organisation online services, if you don't believe me, Sir!

I know it was not easy to say no to 'powerful personality' who previously aspires to become the number two man in the country. But for heaven's sake, you are the man in charge!

Like the Malay saying 'terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata padah akibatnya.' Now, lo and behold, the new dates proposed by Malacca - the organiser - and approved by the council, happens to clash with the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa.

Ops! why bother!...'We change again, lah.' Its what being flexible is about, right Sir?

And they say politics have no place in sports! Good Luck...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

'Weighty fiasco'

Imagine my surprise when I saw this photo in Kosmo newspaper, today.
This photo captured the heated moment between Weightlifting Federation of Malaysia (WMF) President, Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong (left) and Penang Amatur Weightlifting Association (PAWA) President, Datuk Ong Poh Eng, in full view of media personnel covering the function.

The issue? PAWA, in collaborations with Penang Youth and Sports Exco office, organised the Commonwealth Weightlifting Championship 2009 without the consent of WMF, the parent body.

I lauded the effort to bring quality exponents to our country, and to allow our young weightlifters chances to compete with them. But at the same time, we must understand and respect rules that should serve as guidance to all.

In the first place, for MWF to claim ignorance until only when president received invitation to attend the championship, is shocking. There surely were lots of 'noises' made during the whole time the organisers busy trying to get all the things together. Am I to believe that WMF is totally in the dark? No 'kaki' to inform them at all?

And how come PAWA can issue invitation letters to all participating countries without mentioning WMF name and WMF not knowing it?

I do believe that, just like all other international sports bodies, the weightlifting world body recognises WMF as their official representative in Malaysia, and other member countries will only send their exponents after getting the confirmation that the championship is approved and consented by WMF.

Don't tell me that this is the case of the 'son trying to outdo the father?'...And they never really think about the consequences that might befall our young weightlifters?

As of now, if this fiasco is not settled wisely, there exists possibility that our young weightlifters - nurtured by backup program in National Sports Council (NSC) - will face sanction for taking part in the 'illegal' championship. Think about it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

kisah ladanglah lagi...

si polan bin si polan menghantar berita, burung merpatinya sampai setelah lebih sepurnama terbang mencari destinasi....ada perkhabaran terbaru untuk penglipur lara...mengenai keadaan ladang yang kian hari, kian caca marba, ibarat menantik detik untuk ditimpa bencana.

...Al kisahnya, sesudah pengurus kewangan mengundurkan diri, kerana tidak mahu tangan dan kaki makin terus kotornya daki, sekonyong-konyong itu, pengurus ladang mahu bersorak gembira. Ikutkan hati. mahu sahaja diadakannya kenduri tujuh hari tujuh malam, tetapi tahu juga dia, takut nanti tuan punya ladang pulak yang tumbang....

hati gembira bukan kepalang, kerana terpelihara juga segala tembelang. Antara tembelangnya, yang buatkan pengurus kewangan sebelumnya sakit hati, ialah tindakan suka hati pengurus ladang menganugerahkan habuan bukan lagi lumayan kepada dayang kepercayaannya, yang cuma tahu mendengus apabila ditanya apa-apa.

ada yang mahu bersuara, tapi takutlah pulak nanti diherdik tanpa usul periksa. Itu sudah banyak kali terjadi, seperti ketika pengurus ladang dengan bangga diri, mengisytiharkan bahawa pemilik ladang baru sahaja menyambung kontraknya. "Jika ada yang tidak puas hati, lebih baik angkat kaki," begitulah lebih kurang kata pengurus ladang yang disampaikan si polan bin si polan menerusi burung merpatinya....

habuan dayang kepercayaan memang besar, hampir mencecah angka seperti bendahara yang kini berhijrah ke negara padang pasir. Yang pasti, si laksamana pencen janggut putih yang hanya tahu bersuara lantang, habuannya ciput jika mahu dibanding si dayang kepercayaan si pengurus ladang.

ada lagi, bisik burung merpati ajaib ini, yang pandai pula berkata-kata....

kononnya, yang tidak pernah dibuat orang, pengurus ladang juga sudah mengupah hulubalang-hulubang, untuk berjaga malam dan siang, daripada syarikat yang dia ada kena mengena juga. habuannya? dibanding dengan hulubalang lalu yang pernah diupah, habuannya lebih 30 kali ganda dengarnya.

apa yang tuan punya ladang boleh katakan? entahlah...pegawai lain pun nampaknya tak kisah, asalkan tiba waktu nak dipilih untuk kekalkan jawatan nanti, mereka selamat....alahai!

Monday, October 19, 2009

A special moment

I went to Port Dickson, last Saturday - a trip which I was eagerly waiting for - to be with my old friends from high school. It was a two-days-one-night gathering, which I honestly wished could last longer.

A welcome banner for Ex-Semestians Second Batch, 1985-1989

It was a gathering of old buddies, who grew up together. We were family, for five years, during our most important formative period in life. We shared joy and sadness, learnt many valuable things in life, especially on how to treasure a special link called 'friendship.'
And now, 20 years later, the gathering was special. For we may have progressed in life - for some, it was a smooth ride all the way, for others, there might still be many obstacles to overcome - but we still come back as family.
Thank you Sekolah Menengah Sains Teluk Intan (SEMESTI) for the special link that we share. For the second batch, 1985-1989, may our friendship last forever.

Majority of ex-semestians second batch who came for the reunion

Thursday, October 15, 2009

'Sudah tukar ka?'

Dalam memandu ketika perjalanan pulang daripada Johor Bahru ke rumahku, hari ini, aku kerap menukar stesen radio kerana frekuensinya yang berubah-ubah.

Ketika asyik membelek-belek stesen sesuai untuk jadi teman aku dalam perjalanan, terdengarlah satu iklan mengenai kopi serbat (kalau tak silap). Yang aku kenal suaranya ialah watak 'Ravi' dalam sitkom 'Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu' dulu. Trademark ayatnya: 'Sudah Tukar Ka?'

Lantas, mari aku persembahkan 'sitkom terbaru' ciptaan Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM).

Dalam Akhbar Harian Metro, bertarikh 8 Oktober 2005, muka surat 59, ada berita bertajuk: 'Presiden Sokong Denda 5 Kelab'.

Petikan beritanya seperti ini:

'Presiden Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM), Sultan Ahmad Shah, menyokong tindakan Jawatankuasa Pertandingan FAM ke atas lima pasukan kelab yang menarik diri daripada menyertai Liga Malaysia musim depan.

Menurut beliau, tindakan tegas terhadap lima pasukan itu adalah wajar kerana ia menyusahkan FAM, termasuk menjejaskan masa depan pemain kelab terbabit.

"Pasukan terbabit sudah menerima pengajaran setimpal dan diharap ia akan menjadi pengajaran terhadap pasukan lain yang ingin menarik diri..."

Beliau mengulas laporan mengenai dua kelab iaitu Public Bank dan MK Land masing-masing didenda RM50,000 dan digantung daripada menyertai sebarang perlawanan sehingga 2010 selepas menarik diri daripada Liga Malaysia musim depan..."

Akhbar Berita Harian, bertarikh 19 September 2006, muka surat 22, ada berita bertajuk: 'MPPJ Kena Gantung, denda RM50,000.'

Petikan beritanya:

Angkara sikap berlengah untuk mengesahkan penyertaan dalam Liga Super musim depan, MPPJ dihukum dengan penggantungan dua tahun dan denda RM50,000 oleh Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM), semalam.

Keputusan itu diputuskan Jawatankuasa Pertandingan Tempatan FAM selepas tiada sebarang khabar berita diterima daripada pengurusan kelab berkenaan selepas tamat tempoh rayuan asal, 30 Ogos lalu...'

Apa yang kita faham daripada dua cerita ini? Satunya, ORANG NOMBOR SATU FAM sokong supaya mana-mana pasukan yang tarik diri, harus kena hukum 'kerana ianya menyusahkan FAM dan menjejaskan masa depan pemain...'

Nombor dua: FAM konsisten mengenakan penggantungan dan denda standard: RM50,000 kepada mana-mana pasukan yang menarik diri selepas 'gagal mengesahkan penyertaan untuk musim akan datang.'

Dah Faham? Okey?

Sekarang, mari kita tengok pula kenyataan dalam akhbar New Straits Times, 14 Oktober 2009, ditulis Ajitpal Singh, dengan tajuk 'Malacca in doubt, Sarawak out.'

Dua perenggan terakhirnya berbunyi macam ni:

'Azzudin said teams that pull out from next season's M-League will not face disciplinary action.

"According to FAM rules, only those who withdraw midway through in the season will be sanctioned," he said.'

Soalan aku sekarang ialah: 'Sudah Tukar Ka?'

* Aku sekarang sedang bercuti. Aku ada salinan peraturan pertandingan Liga Malaysia 2009 yang diluluskan Majlis FAM, tapi tersimpan di pejabat.

Seingat akulah, peraturannya masih sama - sapa tarik diri, dia kena gantung. Sampaikan pegawai pasukan yang tarik diri pun, akan kena gantung. Itu aku ingat sebab masa MyTeam ura-ura nak tarik diri untuk musim depan, Datuk Che Mat Jusoh, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pertandingan Tempatan FAM ada kata - dalam akhbar juga - yang tiada mana-mana pegawai akan terkecuali daripada digantung daripada terbabit dengan bola sepak jika pasukan mereka menarik diri.

Aku ingat sangat, sebab itu timbulkan kemungkinan Ketua Pemuda Umno, Khairy Jamaluddin, yang juga Timbalan Presiden FAM, tidak boleh terbabit dengan bola sepak. Lagilah aku ingat, sebab masa tu, aku langsung tak yakin FAM akan berani buat punya!

Aku akan cuba dapatkan salinan peraturan itu daripada pejabat. Tapi aku mahu terlebih dahulu tuan badan yang mengeluarkan kenyataan paling akhir kat NST tu supaya dapat kemukakan bukti lebih spesifik: peraturan apa, artikel nombor berapa, kat mana dalam buku peraturan itu, yang kata pasukan menarik diri sebelum bermula musim, tidak akan dikenakan hukuman.

Buku peraturan tu pulak mestilah yang sudah diluluskan oleh Majlis FAM, dan sama dengan apa yang ada dalam simpanan mana-mana pasukan negeri serta kelab, jika kita perlu nanti nak jadi bukti tambahan, mana tahu kalau buku versi yang aku ada tak sama dengan apa yang dia ada.

Jika ada bukti, aku akan terima. Jika tidak, macam mana nanti nak jawap kepada 'ketidak adilan' yang terpaksa diharungi pegawai-pegawai bola sepak daripada public bank, mk land dan mppj yang benar-benar ikhlas nak terbabit dalam bola sepak, tapi tak boleh kerana FAM gantung mereka ekoran ada kaitan dengan kelab yang juga tergantung.

Jika takde bukti kepada persoalan 'Sudah Tukar Ka?' itu, mungkin lebih baik kita tukar aje tuan punya badan yang buat kenyataan....betul tak?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A valuable experience in JB

I travelled to Johor Bahru, yesterday, to be with special group of friends.

I was there on the invitation of Jeffry Ngadirin, Director of Backup Branch, National Sports Council (NSC) to share my experience on a topic of 'How to Market Sports Program to Media'. The occasion: 'Management Enhancement Workshop for Officers' from that branch.

The group consists of Head of Units and State Development Officers from all over the country. With more than 100 officers in attendance, it was THE biggest crowd, EVER, that I had addressed. I couldn't even get a good sleep the night before the presentation, worrying about the crowd.

Part of the energetic crowd who 'grilled' me in the end

It was a very interesting session. I do believe that I learnt a lot more than what I could possibly shared with them. It was a very energetic bunch, even though I had to nudge them a bit in the beginning. And for the first time, EVER, I was even 'humbled' with few pointers from some of the oldies in attendance. My sincere thanks.

Thank you Jeff and the whole NSC's Backup Branch team, especially to Yazid, Azrul and Rozaini. Thank you, too, to Johor Sports Council for co-hosting the 'Jamuan Raya' for us. It was a valuable experience.

Had to use the mike, my voice is not loud enough for the whole room

With NSC's Mohd Johari Zainal Abidin, listening to NSC Director General, Dato' Zolkples Embong speech.

With Jeffry Ngadirin (right), Director of NSC Backup Branch, during the Jamuan Raya

Dato Zolkples Embong being greeted on arrival by Johor Sports Council Director, Tuan Haji Ismail Abdul Rahman, for the Jamuan Raya.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Piala Malaysia: FAM 'makan diri'

Aku hadir dijemput Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) sebagai tetamu untuk rancangan 'Wisel Penamat', awal pagi tadi. Ini adalah panggilan terbaru, selepas aku beberapa kali muncul dalam rancangan sama dan program berkaitan dengannya, termasuklah Sukan@1 dan Sebelum Wisel. Tumpuan perbincangan ialah mengenai saingan suku akhir Piala Malaysia yang akan bermula, minggu depan.

Biarpun siaran rancangan itu bermula jam 1 pagi, masih ramai yang menanti untuk menontonnya. Bukti? masih ramai pemanggil yang menghubungi sepanjang rancangan itu, termasuklah seorang peminat yang berasal dari Pulau Pinang tetapi kini mencari rezeki di Pulau Batam, Indonesia.

Daripada ramai-ramai pemanggil itu, satu kesimpulan terjelma. Rata-rata mereka hairan dengan format 20 pasukan yang bertanding pada peringkat kumpulan kali ini ketika format membabitkan 16 pasukan, yang layak secara merit sejak bertahun-tahun, diabaikan Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM) pada kali ini.

Sebenarnya, tidak susah mencari rasional penambahan jumlah itu. Ia bermakna semua 14 negeri dan dua ahli gabungan lain - Tentera serta Polis - dapat layak secara automatik. Baki empat tempat pula adalah ihsan yang diberi kepada empat kelab. Ia bermakna faktor merit diketepi, ketika 'aku jaga kamu' tampak diberi perhatian.

Akibatnya, seperti disebut Haji Zainal Rawop dan jurulatih Ismail Ibrahim - yang aku juga bersetuju - Piala Malaysia ibarat hilang prestijnya. Apakan tidak, kejohanan tertua dan paling digeruni, kini maruahnya dibiarkan tercalar apabila ada pasukan kalah sampai 6-0, 7-0 dan 8-0.

Aku ada katakan, konsep Piala Malaysia sejak dahulu, yang pernah ditegaskan Datuk Seri Paul Mony Samuel kepada aku - ketika aku jadi 'budak baru' dalam kewartawanan sukan - ialah Kejohanan Terbaik Malaysia, disaingi kelompok Pasukan Terbaik di Malaysia dan finalnya dilangsungkan di Stadium Terbaik yang Malaysia ada.

Tapi itu dulu, ketika perkataan 'integriti' mungkin masih ada maknanya. Sekarang ini, entahlah...

Monday, October 5, 2009

First Touch 'hijacked'

Was the First Touch football, exclusively organized by FA of Malaysia all this years through the employees’ company, Semi-Pro Sdn Bhd, being hijacked by the Professional Footballers Association of Malaysia (PFA Malaysia)?

That thought immediately crossed my mind when I received email from PFA Malaysia General Secretary, E R Subramaniam, few days ago, inviting media representatives for the launch of PFA Malaysia ‘First Touch Program’ on the 10th October 2009.

I know Subra was closely linked with the First Touch Program when he was still with FAM. The program practically existed because of his tireless efforts in organizing and coordinating the enrollment of players and rostering coaches for the weekend sessions.

But it doesn’t mean First Touch Program belong to him. It has been associated with FA of Malaysia for many years, back from the days when Datuk Seri Paul Mony Samuel was still the ruling body general secretary. It has name-recognition. It has value attached to it, simply because it is associated with FA of Malaysia.
There are many other talent development programs being run by various parties, but none carry the name 'First Touch' because every one know the name is associated with FAM. Why can't you do the same, Subra?

By ‘hijacking’ the First Touch Program, Subra will save valuable resources and time because what they are launching and promoting already enjoys the ‘familiarity’ factor. And trust me, there will be sizeable parents who will mistook this to be still under FA of Malaysia stewardship, when it fact, it will no longer be the case.

I heard the ‘hijacking’ was done with the consent of someone with authority in the FA of Malaysia Secretariat. The reason given was that First Touch not FA of Malaysia program. It belongs to the company jointly owned by all employees of FAM.

Well, if that’s true, it just goes to show how this particular leader never has the interest of his people in his heart. I also heard, though I could not confirm it, that some percentage will be channeled back to him. This is hearsay and if someone can confirm it please let me know.

Do you know that through fees collected from First Touch programs, employees of FAM will get some percentage which they affectionately called ‘bonus’, since the national body never give any ex-gratia payments for the last five years?

Now, looks like PFA of Malaysia and certain individuals only will enjoy the ‘bonuses. What a pity!
And I wonder how many members PFA of Malaysia already signed up? To carry out their primary objective of existing, which is to take care of the welfare of 'professional players in Malaysia.'
Since when kids below 12 classified as 'professsional footballers?' Another case of association losing its focus? For the sake of the game? C'mmon!